The big robbery

It had been about two years since the housing scam my parents had suffered, and we continued living in a practically empty house. We only had the basic things to survive.

My mother was in the hospital to give birth to my youngest brother. Suddenly my father told me he had an idea: it's not nice that Mommy returns from the hospital with the baby to a cold and empty house. He went to a large household goods store and bought many things on credit and signed the bills to pay monthly in the coming years. He bought things like a kitchen, a refrigerator, a toaster, a blender, a washing machine, a tv, furniture, a sofa, and beds, among other things.

When my mother came home and saw the house all furnished, she simply began crying at the sight of such a beautiful surprise. Symbolically, it seemed like the sun was shining again, after so many days of darkness. However, destiny had more misfortunes for us in the store. One night after a month of having furnished the house, criminals entered the house to rob us by using sleeping sprays. No one felt anything, nobody woke up. At dawn, my father saw that the door of the house was open.

The house was empty again, everything had been stolen. In addition to all the furniture they stole, they had also stolen clothes from the whole family, including my father’s new suits. They also stole the money from my father’s salary, which he had collected a day earlier. We have left with nothing again and my father had to continue paying for years the debt he had contracted with the company. “Don't cry son”, my father told me. “We will go forward anyway. You’ll see, I promise.”

eRocha, Jan'20

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